What is the HECS-HELP upfront discount?

Important: The HECS-HELP discount has now been discontinued, effective 1 January 2023. Find out more here.

It’s back! From 2021, if you pay some of your uni fees upfront, you could get a 10% discount.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for the HECS-HELP discount, you need to be eligible for HECS-HELP.

At the moment, that means:

  • Studying in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
  • Be an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen on a Special Category Visa or someone on a Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • Residing in Australia for the subjects that you take (although if you’re an Aussie, you can take some subjects overseas – more info here)
  • Having a Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  • Meeting the pass rate requirement (which I explain more here)
  • Have sufficient Student Learning Entitlement (for new enrolments from 2022) – I’ve written more about what this means here

To double-check your eligibility for HECS-HELP, check out the Study Assist website.

How does it work?

To access the discount, you need to pay at least $500 towards your university fees in a study period. You then get a 10% discount on the amount that you paid.

I want to pay all of my course fees upfront

If you want to pay all of your course fees upfront (your “student contribution amount”), you only need to pay 90% of the total fees. The federal government “will pay the other 10 per cent directly to your provider”.

For example…

If your course fees (“student contribution amount”) for the semester are $5,000, you would only need to pay $4,500 upfront. The government will pay the remaining 10% ($500) to your provider for you.

I just want to pay part of my fees upfront

That’s totally fine! As long as you pay at least $500 upfront, you can access the discount.

For example…

If you pay $500 upfront, the government pay one-ninth of this amount ($55.56) to your study provider directly. Then you can put the rest of your course fees for the semester on HECS-HELP.

Where can I learn more?

Check out Study Assist’s HECS-HELP Upfront Discount page for more info.

Good luck!💪


graphic by vector juice

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