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How is the Queensland ATAR different to ATARs from other states?

Each state in Australia calculates the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) differently, so let’s talk about how the Queensland ATAR differs to other states’ ATARs.

1. A mix of subject types can be used to get an ATAR

Although you need to do at least 4 “General subjects” – the most academic kind of Year 11 & 12 subject – your fifth ATAR input can be another subject type if you want (an Applied subject or a completed VET qualification, if it’s at least a Certificate III level or higher).

How is this different?

Some other states require you to just do the most academic type of subjects in order to get an ATAR.

2. External exams count for between 25-50% of your final grades

The proportion of your marks that come from internal assessment (assessment completed at school) can vary depending on the subjects you choose. Most General subjects use your Year 12 internal assessment marks for 75% of your final grade and make up the other 25% with your marks from your external exam. Maths and science subject are usually 50/50.

How is this different?

In most other states, all final marks are calculated using Year 12 internal marks for 50% of the grade and external exam marks for the other 50%.

3. We don’t adjust your internal marks based on your external exam results

Your internal assessment marks aren’t adjusted based on how you perform on your external exams.

How is this different?

Some other states do change your internal marks based on your external exam performance, before they start subject scaling and the ATAR calculation.

4. English doesn’t have to be included in your ATAR calculation

Your English marks aren’t automatically included in your ATAR calculation. This is because almost all Queensland universities have a General English prerequisite – meaning you need to meet a certain level of literacy in order to get in to a university degree. So your English results will only be included in your ATAR if they are one of your best five results after scaling.

How is this different?

In some other states, your English result must be included in the calculation of your ATAR. This is usually in states where there aren’t usually English prerequisites to enter university degrees (e.g. NSW).

All very good to know! 👍

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